The Heliotrope is a dark green stone from the group of jaspers and chalcedones, distinguished by a fine red dot on a clear surface or, depending on the species, a pink, red and yellow dot. In antiquity it was called the "most beautiful of the jaspers" and was called The Sunstone. Although its appearance is in no way reminiscent of the sun, it was associated with a legend, which has merged with the stone so much that it is named after the Greek „heli” - sun and „tropos” . According to this legend, after placing the stone in the rays of the setting sun and then immersing it in water, it changed the reflection of the sun into blood red.
Through its intense red entanglement, the stone is often wrongly referred to as the Yarrow, according to many sources. However, when we refer to English publications about it, the term "bloodstone" appears much more often than "heliotrope".
Although throughout history heliotrope has often been counted among the jasper family, in fact, it is largely made up of chalcedon. However, the jaspers have stains and discolorations that appear on it, creating beautiful, diverse textures, which is typical of the Jaspers and characteristic of many of its species. 
Today, most heliotropes are found in India and its popularity is growing steadily. Those looking for the magical properties of minerals value heliotrope for its power to purify blood and promote life's success.
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